Posts Tagged ‘laughs’

I get these awful headaches some times, because the noise in my head gets so bad and so loud that I just can’t think around it at all.

last night as I was laying next to my partner when he was trying to go to sleep my brain would NOT shut the fuck up…just before he’d gone to lay down we’d been talking about the fact that we need to get him a newer better phone so he can receive calls & messages while at work (his coworker’s phones work there, but his is like 3yr old flip phone, it can’t get signal)…and how not being able to reach him during his work hours makes me extremely stressed out because, what if something happened to one of us??? how will we let the other know??? this terrifies me…in fact its a phobia i don’t think of often because its so deeply ingrained in my brain that its just part of who i am…i have a paralyzing fear that something will happen to one of us, specifically something will happen to blaine and take him away from me leaving me utterly alone or something will happen to me and i’ll be alone because blaine can’t get to me for whatever reason (or the fear that something bad in general will happen all the time)…and telling people about this they look at you and say ‘well just don’t think about it’ and i just think, how can i not?? how do you NOT think about it??? for me its inevitable and telling me not to think about it, to just force it down, unfortunately i can’t shut that part of my brain OFF like y’all can (must be a right nice luxury that, being able to just  NOT think about it, what ever it is)…and so my brain starts going on and on about that and then it starts in with ‘i wish i could cope better with things…everything really’ and then another part says ‘well wishing doesn’t make it so’ gee thank you for reminding me, like i DIDN’T fucking know that and then aunt rose says ‘you can’t waste your life worrying about the ‘what ifs’ you know dear’ gee thank you aunt rose, if i could STOP worrying don’t you think i WOULD???

and then pretty soon everyone in my head is up and about, shouting about this that or the other and i’m left in bed whimpering because i don’t want to burden blaine’s sleep w/talking about my brain problems…but we do anyway…and then we feel bad about it afterward.


people don’t like honesty.  thats not to say people don’t want your honest opinion or feedback etc, thats not what i mean by that.  people don’t like BRUTAL, blatant, unbriddled honesty about whats going on in your mind…not even shrinks like that…because it scares the SHIT out of people.  most people lie to themselves all the time, lots of little lies ‘everything is peachy, life is good, i’m optomistic about my life & where its going, i LOVE my job’ that sort of thing, the little lies you have to tell yourself to get through the day…i don’t like telling myself lies and i always know when i am and i call myself on it ‘we’re just fine’ no you’re not you fucking liar, you’re drowning in your brain and you feel like giving up, don’t lie about it, its written all over your face.  people ask me  how i am and i’m brutally honest, and eventually they stop asking because the answers SCARE them, and i’m left alone…again…naturally…

people don’t like to hear you say things just off the cuff, scarily honest things, like when i’m angry i’ll voice it when i should really keep it to myself, i sound a lot like Fred C. Dobbs in ‘treasure of the sierra madre’ when he starts losing his mind, grumbling to himself about how the others are plotting against him.

observation 2- if you know you’re CRAZY then clearly you’re not THAT crazy…i hate this catch 22 that shrinks love to use…apparently because i recognize i’m damages and i’m insane and i’m AWARE that i have hallucinations and that i’m aware that i’m a paranoid and have delusions of persecution means that i’m not really as crazy as that…WTF MOTHER FUCKERS??? no, thats a sign that i’m intelligent…over intelligent IS at least half crazy…i know whats wrong and i know what i need for help but the shrinks wont give it to me because since i’m aware i can’t really be as nuts as i think i am (you’re right i’m not, i’m far far worse and its more and more apparent ea. day)…

observation 3- shrinks will be heinously over priced NO MATTER WHAT…*sigh*

observation 4- forcing it down and not thinking about it is a luxury people w/organic brain issues like myself simply do NOT have (not w/out the aide of medication anyway)

SOOOO sorry for the lengthy radio silence, been hectic as fucking hell the last…jeez how long has it been since I last posted? let me check…wow its only been just over a month??? WOW, that should give you an idea of how hectic its been, I thought it’d been much longer…just wanted to give you an update of some sort to assure you I’m not dead (I’m sure some people worry from time to time since I am ‘suicidal’…more suicidal thoughts but still, don’t want anyone to be like ‘yo, you dead bro?’).

ANYHOO…lets see, whats happened the last month.  a LOT.  My friend got and lost a job because she has a lot of the same sort of problems as I do (agoraphobia, ptsd, etc) which makes holding down most kinds of jobs basically impossible.  We both went into a brief session at Providence medicals out patient program (very brief, she went to two group meetings, i just had a session w/the shrink so i could get a refill w/my meds, by the time i was schedule to come to the actual group i’d already made contact w/a potential new therapist so i was like, sod group because i KNOW what they’re pushing and it DOES NOT work if you have organic brain problems).  why am I mentioning her employment issues? because it lead to her moving in with my partner & myself, so our lives have become kinda hectic as the moving process was completed etc.  she’s now all moved in and sharing a room with the two of us (because thats the only space we’ve got, it beats trying to pay rent by donating plasma twice a week :S which wont give you enough to pay rent).

I helped her get her foodstamps and am in the process of helping her apply for SSI.  I’m also in the process of applying for SSI (fifth time is a charm? i’ll get a lawyer this time if i get rejected AGAIN and i’m applying STRICTLY on a psychological basis this time, any time i’ve applied for combined i get turned down for ‘lack of adequate records’ :P).  Once I get my records from Providence from last fall and most recently the out patient program i shouldn’t have a problem.

I also got myself a consultation session w/a shrink from the same place i was seeing my prior PMNP doc (my meds doc) tomorrow morning at 8AM, I’m looking forward to it.  If all goes well I’ll have a new shrink (amusing tid bit, his name is Chris Tucker, no he’s not black…dunno if i could have kept a straight face in session if he were, i just LOVE Ruby Rod from Fifth Element LOL and thats who i’d always be thinking of in session lol)and a new meds prescriber (have to see one of the other docs there to get my meds, he can’t prescribe em, s’all good).

I got a brief refill of my meds through the shrink at the out patient program (14pills but i break them into 1/4s because i have a sensitive system) and i’ve been able to get out more, even ride in a car w/out falling to pieces when i get home (cars scare the shit out of me), i’ve even been passing out business cards etc…i even made it out to 122nd & stark to go to the terrifyingly HUGE big box mart fabric store(fabric depot) for faux fur (got another order for bunny ears…two pair, this makes three pairs i’ve made in the last month).  I had five sales last month, I sold- a vintage Cheech & Chong incense burner, a sensations novelty paddle, an antique Chinese jade & bronze pipe, a pair of my jumbo ears (w/a new style/revamped design) and my antique typewriter (total revenue for last month- $175).  This month we’ve had three sales so far, two pairs of ears and my antique flute (total sales so far $200 revenue), doing pretty decent.  I’ve posted ads about my costume making capabilities, hoping to be mildly but not overly swamped this next month, cross your fingers for me :).  Hoping to be swamped w/sewing & props, knitting these days is getting harder & harder 😦 makes me sad, i don’t wanna give it up like i had to give up music because i just can’t hold the posture anymore :(.  be sure to check out the ever expanding stock in my ETSY shop (shameless self promotion *cough cough* 😉 LOL), adding a bunch more stuff later today, mostly Halloween related naturally.

oh yeah, my partner got a job, he’s working for the portland public schools as a janitor and he’s been getting all buff from moving furniture and waxing floors 🙂 and he’s much happier now that he’s not around the house all the time, we both just wish it paid more than once a month 😛 (at least the pay is decent 😀 ).  He’s also going to be volunteering at OMSI occasionally so that should make him very happy.

I’ve got a commission for a gorgeous steampunk dress this month for a friend in Texas, and i’m working on a fun tutu skirt dress w/a corseted satin bodice in alternating panels of teal & burgundy. (photos when its done).

Anyway, thats all for now, busy busy busy me…who knows, maybe i’ll be able to get out to the club briefly some time to say hey to peoples, we’ll see :).  wish me luck w/the new shrink tomorrow *fingers crossed* hope he’s not too expensive, it says he does sliding fee scale, so here’s hoping he’s like around $55 like Dr. Hartline was *fingers crossed*.  fun fun fun…cheers!

Copy pasted this straight over from my Daily Humor Pix blog, ENJOY! *burble burble burble* AHHHHHH! 😉

*stiffled cough* word bro

Something a lil different today, i didn’t’ get an episode of LABN together because the computer editing is still really fiddly & i dunno if I’ll get it back off the ground at this point (not as any kind of frequent thing anyway), but I STILL wanted to share w/you my list of recommended viewing & listening for today…now I’m sure you expect the usual videos to show up here, well only a couple do because unlike the average toker, I like entertainment of a slightly different variety when I’m flying high. I will also post toward the bottom some pix I’ve sorted out that are holiday appropriate! So Here’s a list of things I enjoy on this high holiday 😉

#13- Reefer Madness- Lets get the obvious ones out of the way first. The original or the re-release as a musical w/Alan Cummings in it, both are good entertainment. Although heres an interesting tid bit, the original was every bit as much about the anti drug propaganda as it was about being able to show racy, scantily clad ladies & plenty of violence, but back in the day you had to have a REASON to show that sort of thing, so they said ‘its anti- reefer propaganda, yes, thats it’ and its green lit.

#12- Any of the Beatles films (my favorites are ‘Yellow Submarine’ and ‘HELP!’). Another obvious viewing choice for today would be any one of the movies the Beatles put out over the course of their careers, Yellow Submarine, HELP!, Magic Mystery Tour or Hard Days Night, all are enjoyable classics. (I even have the Yellow Submarine Poster)

#11- Spirited Away (Japanese w/the subtitles)- This was higher up on the list initially until it dawned on me, not all smokers like to try & keep up w/subtitles while high, so I bumped it up the list a bit (though you can watch it in English, its really much more enjoyable in Japanese w/the subtitles in my opinion). I still recommend it and watching it w/the subs….mmmm subs *drool*…it really is better…

#10- Le Fabuleux Destin D’ Amelie Poulain (French w/subtitles)- Again, a foreign film w/subs but worth the watch, even if you don’t speak French, its still a delightfully whimsical romp all over Paris, w/one of the most wonderful soundtracks & romantic tales I’ve ever enjoyed.

#9- Monkey Bone- A ridiculous, 90s, hetero male comedy (juvenile humor) all the way, this surreal, silly, partly claymation flick is always good for a few cheap laughs & you almost HAVE to be high to watch it (another good one like that is Beetlejuice)

i had this tshirt in high school, still have the front i cut it off for a patch

#8- Empire Records- Back before Rene Zelwiger went all skeletor on us, back when she was still cute. This is n adorable, high energy, goofy, 90s teen movie about a record store and the audiophile dorks who work there, and I love it to bits. Its just a fun, simple movie with a good cast a lots of laughs.

#7- Fight Club followed by Death to Smoochy- Two great films staring the very talented Mr. Edward Norton, my friends and I have a fun theory that made watching these two back to back a habit…the thought is that Tyler Durden from fight club went into SERIOUS therapy & anger management and turned into Sheldon Mopes (no really, think about it, especially the scene at the end where he snaps & is considering shooting Danny DiVito’s character, really, it makes perfect sense lol), try it and enjoy and intense and funny viewing experience and have your mind blown.

#6- Fifth Element- I LOVE THIS FILM! beginning to end, front to back I think it is one of the seriously underrated sci-fi flicks of the 90s. Its visually inspired & captivating, the plot flows nicely and doesn’t drag (like at all, rare) but its also not ALL action, the music is more like an environmental background noise most of it (thusly creating the perfect accent to the visuals), the costumes are amazing the acting is consistently good and if you haven’t seen it yet, you SHOULD! Its a thoroughly enjoyable movie experience and I only wish I’d had the chance to see it in theater during its initial release, because that would have been AWESOME! (and Ruby Rod reminds me of my best friend from childhood) You should see this movie!

Not to mention a great & sexy villain, Zorg...Bruce is lookin damn hot in this flick too 😉

Leeloo Dallas, MULTI PASS!

#5- NC’s ‘We’re Back’ & Top 11 Drug PSAs & Mindfucks (as well as any Linkara or Spoony)- Those of you unfamiliar with That Guy W/The Glasses & his crew, where the fuck have you been? under a rock? get w/the program, the new tv is internet broadcasting free of FCC restrictions & censorship! WORD! And, in particular, you should REALLY check out the Nostalgia Critic’s reviews of We’re Back!, his Top 11 Nostalgic Drug PSAs & his Top 11 Nostalgic Mind Fucks, TOTALLY PRICELESS! You should also familiarize yourself with The Spoony Experiment, w/Spoony (Noah Antwiler) and Atop The Fourth Wall, w/Linkara (Lewis Lovhaug)…for starters with the Spoony one, I MUST recommend the various D&D movie adaptation reviews(Mazes & Monsters, Lords of Magick & Skull Duggery…his hour & a half long drunken ramble on the latest twilight film is a riot too) …another good one for today is his review of the ET game for the Atari (a lil ode to Apocalypse Now)…but quite possibly his BEST video for today would be this one (pack a bowl before you watch it). As for AT4W starters, I’d recommend his Doom review, any of the Silent Hill review series (though you may not fully get the behind the scenes plot lines, he does his own independent story arches, the man is a GENIUS!…they ALL three are)…his Batman- Fortunate Sonreview is pretty hilarious & perfect for today (Batman Vs. Rock & Roll…wait, what?) Dig in & enjoy their archived for real though, because you WONT be sorry you did (you’ll get hooked on these guys & keep coming back for more :D)

Spoony's mad scientist alter ego, Dr. Insano

The NC impersonating & mocking Tommy Wiseau who is like a bizzaro Fabio. speaking of Tommy, you should watch his review of the Room too, its in his archives

THIS COMIC SUCKS! lets light it on FIRE!

#4- Dave the Barbarian- A seriously underrated & short lived series on toon disney, if you’re a regular here on the DHP you’ve seen my hilarious stills from this cartoon, this show was ridiculous. It was all about irony, staring an incompitant sorcerer, a cowardly & effeminate barbarian (mostly what got it canceled, complaints he was too gay..fuck you right wingers), a useless dragon (well, he’s really more of a dumb little flying potato or something), and adorable & ineffectual villain in the form of the Dark Lord Chuckles the Silly Piggy, a lil girl who is constantly mistaken for a monkey and your average princess trying to run a kingdom in the anachronistic sticks of medival Europe. We even get the voice of Invader Zim himself showing up on two ocassions playing the incredibly inept & pathetic soul Ned Frischman, who acquires a magical time zipper that allows him to go back in time and visit our heroes. This show is fun, simple & impressively clever for a Disney cartoon. We also have the mostly evil princess Irmaplots & her mother who are voiced by Joan Rivers & her daughter respectively. Look this show up, if you enjoy a fun, silly cartoon full of cheeky mildly ironic humor, check this one out, it is one of my FAVORITES!

found your inner child dave

Dave, he's got a thing for musical theater (thats NOT necessarily GAY DAMN IT! LOL)

#3- The Imposters- A hilarious comedy of errors w/an all star cast, I really don’t have much to say other than WATCH THIS MOVIE, you’ll be laughing like mad! Stanely Tucci & Oliver Platt star as two out of work actors who end up as stow aways on a cruise ship w/an angry premadonna actor who isnsists they assaulted him…add a depressed debutant w/her money grubbing now broke mother, a suicidal lounge singer played by Steve Busccemi, a Russian spy portrayed by Tony Shalhoub, and many other random characters, all collide and make this a ridiculously silly ride that will have you laughing all the way to the end.

Oliver Platt in drag, how can you go wrong...

the suicidal lounge singer, Steve here has a GORGEOUS singing voice, who knew?

The stewardess who will help keep our guys under wraps & her horn boss a Fritz s&m nut who REALLY needs a clue LOL

#2- The Big Lebowski- ya know, at first I was SO NOT a fan of this film..but it really grew on me, kinda like the music of Frank Zappa, a lil jarring and grating at first, you have NO CLUE what to expect, whats happening, whats going on, but its funny and crazy like, and it has the DUDE, you can’t go wrong w/this classic mind fuck of a movie. Great cast, crazy plot, lots of pot, whats not to like?


Been using this phrase since i was a teen, same inflection too, and i didn't see the movie until a few years ago...its just my stance on a lot of people subjective bullshit views of the world that are completely contrary to reality...well, thats like your OPINION man...(now could ya'll work on keepin it to yourselves? 😉 that'd be great)

#1- so what could possibly be at the top of the list? what could it POSSIBLY BE??

BLAZING SADDLES!!! you can NOT go wrong with this classic Mel Brooks flick, it is just perfect. and it has a line that has gotten a LOT of mileage since the election of or current President 😉 (particularly when making fun of the fact that the right wing blatant racists who have REALLY come out of the woodwork the last four years, this one in particular). This movie is just great, what Mel Brooks film isn’t? (no really, name one? space balls is SLOW but i still love it). Gene Wilder (HOT) and Cleavon Little (GORGEOUS) are quite the dynamic duo, not to mention the comedy of Slim Pickins (speaking of, Dr. Strangelove, another one that is a must watch, perfect for today too because you’re gonna need a few bowls to get through the SHEER CULTURE SHOCK of that one, its intense). This movie is one of Mel Brooks finest and one of my favorites, I am telling YOU to go and get yourself a copy to enjoy! POST HAST!

Don't no body move, or i'll shoot!

even they enjoyed a lil 420 now & again 😉


Thats my recommended viewing for today, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you’ll go check out some of these fine films and shows, below are a few songs I enjoy (classics of course) this time of year. CHEERS & BLAZE ON! I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow *wanders off in a puff of smoke*

Talking about food in this vlog, I had to go through a lot of dietary changes around 2006ish because it came to light that I was having some severe digestive issues for no apparent reason…but there was a reason, I was eating foods that my body had a difficult (or impossible) time breaking down, thusly I had to refine my dietary intake, this is one of my many daily struggles. This Vlog also works to further illustrate my wondering thought processes, and how for me this conversation flows logically but for some you might be like wait, how did he go from opening by talking about a bacon cheeseburger and end by talking about humans fascination with video & photography technology? it is a perplexing question isn’t it? thank you for watching!

A little something cheerful for this blog, enjoy!

also, a baby video of us about 2-3weeks after I got Bozzley back in 2009, so cute :)!

I started editing together the footage for my first nightmare to share w/the lot of you…and, its giving me chills, but maybe thats just the draft from the window lol.
I should have it done sometime this week, I’ve been dedicating all my time this last week (60+hrs) to getting LABN(Lets All Be Neurotic), my web show, off the ground, the first episode ended up being a little MASSIVE as I reviewed 5music videos by two artists I enjoy who do a lot of collaborations together.
But the other day I had a watermelon, nice little one, and I use a HUGE cleaver to cut them, and it was sitting on the cutting board w/a small stain underneath which caught my eye, I grabbed my camera and refilmed some footage of me w/it (since my initial shots for the project came off as campy rather than crazy/psycho…this footage, once I added effects, comes off to me very influenced by my love f Alfred Hitchcock films)…it jumps around a LOT because thats how my dreams are…so nightmare fuel 1st Ed. is coming.
In the mean time, here’s the trailer for this weeks episode (1.2) of LABN, check it out! Much love and, as always, THANK YOU for reading/watching/listening! ❤

As promised, here is a narrated photo tour of the ‘Cell’ (apartment)…this is where it all happens lol. Enjoy!

A few years ago when I was in therapy, my friend and I were trying to come up w/a worthy & accurate metaphor to aptly describe just HOW my schizophrenia/potential DID (dissociative identity disorder) is expressed.  We can up w/two analogies.  One was that my mind was kind of like a house & when I go out to do things the more dominant/proactive/extroverted personalities try to heard the more antagonistic/introverted personalities in the basement, the rest of the time they are free to roam the house and sometimes various people wander through the ‘living room’ (central control) and start fiddling w/the remote, this leads to mood swings, random conversational shifts and so forth.

The other analogy, which I felt was somewhat more apt, was that my mind was like a BIG bus and randomly the people on board would do Chinese fire drills w/out warning, changing the driver (again, representing central control or who’s running things…who’s at the wheel) at random, again leading to random episodic behavior-isms.

That leads us to Wednesday morning, when I was walking to the store, I noticed a free box (something we’ll talk about later) and I poked through it and noted a DVD player (probably broken), a few brown t-shirts w/out logos and a kids toy bus from fisher price…nothing really enticed me, so I continued on to the store.  On the way back to the flat, I passed the same box and I got about 5 steps past it when someone JUMPED UP and said ‘TURN AROUND & GRAB THAT BUS, WE HAVE AN IDEA’ and basically too the wheel and steered us back over to grab this little toy…we have BIG plans for this, it will lead to amusing stop motion animations w/miniature drawing figures (soon as I can get about $10 to go out and buy some from the art store up the street)…so there is an amusing anecdote for you and something to look forward to.  (my friend Wysskers refered to my ‘mind bus’ as Furthur, the bus belonging to the Merry Pranksters…its hotlinked, go there to read more)

Later on, a narrated photo tour of ‘My Cell’ …hope you tune in for that later.  Until then, Ciao!

I’m realizing more and more just HOW involved the ideas I want to depict are, this may just be general background informational Vlogs for a while still, It could take a month or more to film some of these ideas (mostly because I want it to be as MUCH my work as possible…I don’t object to using stock photos & footage from other people, but I REALLY want this to be MY vision ie- what I SEE when I see these things/think these things etc, and really only I can communicate it adequately)…If I had a production crew the work would go much faster, more like, if I could extract some of my various personalities and give them corporeal form & could use THEM as minions, we could at least triple our productivity, but thats NOT happening, so yeah, as always, we work w/what we’ve got, it may not be a lot, but w/time & effort we make it work.  I appreciate the patience on this matter (this is why I don’t post any kind of release schedule for this project…I’ll update it w/vlogs a couple times a week but until I’ve got something composed that I’m happy with , its going to be informational vlogs…which is kind of what i was going for…vlogs & ‘episodes’ depicting various things that I have had to deal with, deal with daily etc).

I’m also working on another project, more like multiple projects…as when I get a GIANT burst of inspiration I tend to start a WHOLE mess of projects all at once & the prune it down & prioritize it, this is why I have project notebooks & to do lists, because it keeps me on task.  I’m working on two different stop motion projects, one involving the dancing dummy (who still needs a name…suggestions?) and one involving candy moving around the counter & spelling out the name of the show (Lets All Be Neurotic , be sure to check out the Blip page, bookmark/subscribe, follow it…its the more comedic side of me), which I’ll post when I’m done w/the production (still shooting stills for them both, so I haven’t animated them yet in editor), I’ve also got an artisan crafts project commission piece to work on (I’m a freelance jack of all trades artist, particularly focusing on sewing but I do ALL sorts of things…knitting, painting, photography and SO MUCH MORE) the current commission (I think I mentioned it briefly in a previous post) is an Andy Warhol banana bedroom set (I’ve got most of the supplies I need to start the comforter), theres this Vlog/Blog and of course LABN…as well as trying to maintain some semblance of a social life AND keep my chores done.  On the GOOD side, I’ve been more productive the last 4 or 5 days than I have been in MONTHS…on the BAD side, I’ve kind of been running myself ragged because I can’t seem to sit still even when I KNOW I should try to take a night off (I GOT SHIT TO DO MAN!!)…on the GOOD side, I feel like I’ve actually got drive & purpose etc, or at the very least a VERY involved project (several)…on the BAD side, I’ve been pushing my body extra hard because I WANT to get as much done each night as possible (I can’t remember the last time I felt so driven…I really can’t) but I think I’m starting to feel it (extra muscle spasms & pretty stiff of late) but like I said, I can’t seem to sit still even when I KNOW I should take a break, my brain & the people in it go: BREAK? sit down & rest??? NO NO NO, you need to do this, this, this AND this before you drag your ass into bed at noon, lets GO GO GO GO MAN!!! and my body is like, for serious?? you want me to do what??…frankly I’m waiting for my body to rebel on my brain and be like FUCK YOU…it sort of does that some times (in other words, the muscle spasms get to the point some days where I can’t hold my glass w/out fear of a random spasm causing me to drop it or spill it everywhere) these are rare, but they are the result of the occasions where I push myself too hard…what I am experiencing of late is what we call a MANIC EPISODE- a period where you just can’t sit still, you have heightened productivity & output levels, you feel pretty good mood wise (if a bit jumpy) and you can get AMAZING amounts of things done…however, inevitably there will be a crash in the next few weeks and we’ll hit a depressive spell…who knows, maybe I can offset it for a while? how long do you think I can? This is a result of me being off my meds, I’m aware of that, and of late, despite the physical fatigue, I’m kind of hoping I don’t come down because I actually FEEL like I’m doing something w/my fucking life! it may not be the MOST important thing in the world, but its SOMETHING, it takes effort, organization, skill etc, I’m learning a lot and my gods this post is already over 800 words lol.  Lets move on…

One of the HARDEST things as far as putting together the filming for the ‘episodes’ is separating the dialogue strings from my internal monologue, tracing it to whom it belongs too (complicated, both to do and to explain) and then writing it down into a script form…a part of me wants you to just hear the voices & not see them, but a part of me REALLY wants them to have corporeal forms, because I do SEE some of them…I’ll probably have some of them corporeal/semicorporeal and some of them completely off screen/invisible.  Still, theres the issue of dialogue…just no I’m working on it.

I’ll film & post another Vlog here in the next day or so…thank you for listening/watching/reading, your viewership is greatly appreciated.  Let me know if any of you have name suggestions for the dancing dummy.  until next time 🙂 (pick below is linked to Ep. 0.5 of LABN)

LABN- 1st official Ep. Airs August 3rd!

Intro Vlog #3 for WTMC, in which I discuss what held up Vlog #2 and kept me from getting to #3 sooner, what I’ve been up to, projects I’m working on, my other web show I’m composing, and so forth. I think this episode illustrates my thought processes really well as I tend to jump around in my thoughts, I see the connections & patterns, but not everyone else can. After the credits is the LABN intro for those who haven’t seen it yet. As always thank you for watching/listening and we’ll see you next time.