Posts Tagged ‘cute’

A little something cheerful for this blog, enjoy!

also, a baby video of us about 2-3weeks after I got Bozzley back in 2009, so cute :)!

I enjoy these little moments where I stare at the drawing dummy while he stands there and he gives me ideas on how to pose him, then I slowly animate it out…tedious busy work as it is I find it a very fulfilling new hobby. This one is, oddly, shorter than the first one, this is because I put extra effort in and REALLY compressed it, this was 110 individual stills I shot and its only 13.5 seconds of actual animation (just to give you an idea of how much work it was), and about an hour & a half of editing. Hope you enjoy it, posting a vlog update some time before I go to bed, its another general info Vlog. Enjoy & thank you for watching!

I had a dream earlier, that I walked out into my kitchen, saw my drawing dummy laying on the table, and as I stared at him, he got up and started to dance! So, I decided to animate it! This is my first EVER stop motion project, its something I’ve always wanted to do and now I’ve done a simple one (I plan to make more stop motion segments, only as I get better they’ll be longer & smoother in quality) Hope you enjoy this brief segment, I’ll be posting another Vlog later in the AM.