Posts Tagged ‘gandalf cosplay’

just a brief word to assure any who follow this blog that indeed i am STILL ALIVE…i haven’t shuffled off or done myself in but i know some people out there who have followed this blog in the past and still follow occasionally worry about that sort of thing, so if i haven’t posted anything in ages i like to let ya know i’m still around.

been super busy, old roommate moved out (YAY! NO MORE SUPER SLOB NO MOE!) but left us in the lurch (BOOO! not unexpected just wicked unappreciated after he swore to my partner he wouldn’t do that…he ripped off some of my man’s shit too and refuses to get in contact about it, what a douche bag…more over, what an immature dickbag).  Shortly before our now exroommate moved out, our good friend fell on hard times and we moved her in to stay w/us for a while initially but then we decided to keep her on because we like living w/her…months passed & the three of us barely noticed how long it’d been, so i’d say thats a good fit.

been seeing a new medicine management therapist off & on of late, got more or less reg. access to my anxiety meds back, though all the docs i meet keep trying to push the SSRIs again…and i even gave a new one a shot, w/the anticipated results at which point i said, i put my foot down on the SSRIs man…they DO NOT WORK on me, even at a proper low low dosage and i have HAD IT w/loosing time to this medicine that doesn’t work.  hoping i can get a refill for said anxiety meds as i’m nearly out (i have one pill left) and i can’t afford a session right now :(.  so cross your fingers.

aside from that working to finish up a Gandalf cosplay for a local customer who’s attending the Hobbit premier this week, need to be sure to give him cards to hand out when people ask about his costume 🙂 i may be a lil pricey but what you’re paying for is QUALITY! no basted seams here baby, full reinforced French seams all the way! for a high quality look and a long term, high endurance seam :)…Hobbit fans, be sure to come get your orders in for cloaks, tunics and the like for con season NOW 🙂 the sooner the better!-

thats all for now, i have a wizard hat to finish in time for pick up later today. i’ll try to update more often (i always say taht and try as i may i’ve just never been good at keeping a journal…not even a video one 😛 but i try).  peace!